How Soon Can You Wear Makeup After RF Microneedling
As you age, your skin can start to look dull and sag, and over-the-counter serums and moisturizers might not be able to rejuvenate your skin. Radiofrequency (RF) microneedling can revamp the appearance of your skin and allow treatments to penetrate deeper into the skin. This innovative procedure boosts the amount of collagen in the skin, leading to a plumper and healthier appearance. There are minor side effects, including facial redness and discomfort, but most patients report little pain from the treatment. You will be able to start wearing makeup 2 – 3 days after your appointment. To find out if RF microneedling may be right for you, schedule a consultation with our team at About Face & Body Medical Spa in Katy, TX.
What is RF microneedling?
RF microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that helps to refresh the skin. During the procedure, multiple needles will make micro-injuries to the surface of the skin. The punctures made by the needles help trigger your natural production of collagen and elastin. Collagen is responsible for plumping your skin and giving it elasticity. Elastin allows the skin to stretch and move back into place. Both of these can help minimize stretch marks, scars, and pores. The treatment is often performed in conjunction with others, such as vitamin serums or platelet-rich plasma. If you choose to add another therapy, the micro-injuries will allow the treatment to fully penetrate the skin. The treatment is customizable to fit your specific needs.
What to expect from RF microneedling
The procedure is performed in 30 – 60 minutes. A numbing cream or local anesthesia is available upon request, but patients usually report little to no pain or discomfort. The treated area will be cleaned before the DermaFrac™ handpiece is passed over the skin. After the microneedling is done, another treatment, like a serum, can be applied so the ingredients can soak deeply into the skin. Finally, a moisturizer and UV protection will be massaged into the skin. Although results from RF microneedling are noticeable, it may not be as pronounced as more invasive procedures, such as plastic surgery. To learn more about RF microneedling, contact our team at About Face & Body Medical Spa in Katy, TX today.
After the Procedure
The side effects of RF microneedling are minimal, but you still need to know what to expect after your appointment. There can be some temporary redness and discomfort. While you might want to cover the redness with makeup, it is important to wait until you get the okay from our team. There is a risk of infection when you use makeup, including tinted moisturizer or sunscreen, too soon after treatment. It usually takes between 2 – 3 days before your skin is prepared for makeup. Our team can give you a full set of detailed instructions before you leave. Results should be visible within a few days but will continue to develop as your skin produces collagen and elastin.
Where can I get RF microneedling in Katy, TX?
Although you may have to wait a few days before using makeup, RF microneedling can rejuvenate the skin and help smooth the appearance of your skin. If your normal serums and moisturizers are not working, RF microneedling may be the option for you. Our team may be able to refresh your skin with this procedure. Contact About Face & Body Medical Spa in Katy, TX for a full consultation on whether RF microneedling is right for you.