Is Broadband Light Therapy Relatively Painless?
Broadband light therapy (or BBL treatment) effectively improves the look of the upper layer of skin in a way that’s safe, comfortable, and doesn’t require downtime. At About Face & Body Medical Spa in Katy, TX, our team uses the most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) on the market – the Sciton BBL to reduce the signs of aging.
Keep reading to find out what to expect if you schedule an appointment for BBL treatment with us.
What is broadband light therapy, and how does it work?
Broadband light therapy (or BBL treatment) begins with a consultation, during which our team will listen to your aesthetic goals and tailor the treatment to your needs.
Our Sciton BBL treatment transmits light into the skin in order to stimulate your body's natural cell turnover and ability to heal. During the process, an experienced About Face & Body Medical Spa team member will pass the BBL handpiece over the treatment area. The light it emits will gently heat the upper layers of your skin, targeting cells that add extra pigment so that new cells can form and even out your skin tone.
Because the Sciton BBL is so powerful, it can perform different types of treatments. Patients can choose from:
Forever Young, which is designed to help the body rebuild depleted collagen and elastin, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles on the face
Forever Clear, which helps remove the appearance of acne and other blemishes on the face
Forever Body, a treatment that offers these benefits elsewhere on the body, such as the chest, back, and shoulders
SkinTyte, which treats sagging and tightens skin on the neck, jawline, and body
What can I expect during my BBL appointment?
Patients getting broadband light therapy simply lie down in a private treatment room while a team member applies a cooling gel to the area where the light will be absorbed. This prevents the skin from getting too hot.
The length of the procedure depends on the individual patient, the size of the treatment area, and the number of areas being treated. While full results can take a month, you should see a gradual reduction in the appearance of freckles, age spots, rosacea, and acne scars, as well as skin tightening within a few days.
Does broadband light (BBL) treatment hurt?
It's normal for patients to have anxiety about what a cosmetic treatment will feel like or worry it will be painful before committing to it.
The cooling gel our team applies helps lessen any feelings of excessive heat on the skin during treatment, and patients generally describe the procedure as comfortable as a result. The Sciton BBL is designed to be quick, easy, and virtually painless so patients can return to their daily activities after appointments.
Treatments can last as little as 10 – 15 minutes and may produce some flushing in the face, but this typically resolves in a few hours. While you may see spots darken right after treatment, they will begin to lighten in a few days.
Get broadband light therapy in Katy, TX
If you have loose skin, sun and age spots, acne scars, rosacea, or other pigmentation issues on the face or body, the team at About Face & Body Medical Spa in Katy, TX has chosen one of the most effective BBL devices on the market to deliver your broadband light therapy.
Schedule an appointment if you're ready to learn more.